Town Team Movement, in partnership with the State Government and the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA), are thrilled to announce the Streets Alive program.  The program funded from the State Funds for Local Government Roads consist of $5 million over 5 years for capacity building and support for eligible community organisations and local governments for projects designed to calm traffic on local roads in urban areas across WA.

Stream 1: $5,000 Grants

Stream 1 offers ‘seed’ grants of $5,000 inc GST for eligible community groups and local governments in all towns and neighbourhoods across WA.

Applications open Wednesday 22 May 2024 and close Wednesday 5 June 2024. This round of funding is for projects delivered between 1 July 2024 and 31 March 2025.

We’re looking to support projects that align with at least one of the following objectives:

a) Build the capability and capacity of local communities to deliver traffic calming and road safety initiatives in local streets and neighbourhoods

b) Change attitudes and behaviours around speed to emphasise streets for people over cars.

c) Improve the safety of towns centres and make them more vibrant and people friendly

To help you develop your project idea please read our eligibility and guidelines, and view our list of useful resources and suppliers.

TIP: Download a copy of the application questions to draft your responses prior to completing the online application form. 

Streets Alive Webinars

We’ve hosted Streets Alive webinars to assist you with understanding the objectives of the fund and submitting a strong application. The Streets Alive webinar held on the 28 May 2024 can be viewed via the video below.

Stream 2: Up to $100,000 Grants

Stream 2 offers grants of up to $100,000 to eligible community groups and local governments in all towns and neighbourhoods in WA.

Stay tuned! Guidelines, eligibility and criteria will be released in August 2024.

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Wonderful things happen when people are encouraged to bring more colour and vibrancy to their streets; life feels more energetic and fun, sure, but more than that – people feel closer to each other. Another thing happens too: cars slow down, so streets not only become more enjoyable, they become safer. And isn’t sustainable, safe and connected what we all want our local towns and neighbourhoods, our homes to be?

For any enquiries about the program, email us!